Iron Deficiency – Recognize in Time and Treat Correctly

Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency disease in German households. Although it affects many people, it is often undetected and therefore not treated. However, this can have serious consequences – which is why it is so important to detect iron deficiency early and treat it properly. In this article, we’ll go over the causes of iron deficiency, what symptoms can indicate a deficiency, and what treatment options are available. 

There are various reasons why people suffer from an iron deficiency: Inadequate nutrition or a disturbed absorption mechanism in the body are common triggers, for example. Blood loss or pregnancy also often promotes iron deficiency. It is therefore particularly important to carry out regular blood tests as preventive examinations – so that one can react accordingly as soon as signs of a deficiency appear. 

Iron deficiency has far-reaching consequences – for both adults and children. There is good news, however: If you recognize the signs early enough, you can usually prevent more serious symptoms of the disease from developing with appropriate treatment.

Iron Deficiency and Treatment

Iron deficiency is a common problem that many people face, but how much do we really know about it? Is there more to this condition than meets the eye? The truth is that iron deficiency can have serious consequences if left untreated. It is important to understand what exactly iron deficiency is and how to treat it to avoid later health complications. 

Iron is an essential mineral for humans. We need iron for red blood cell production and other bodily functions such as energy metabolism and oxygen transport throughout the body. Daily iron requirements depend on age, gender, pregnancy status, activity level, and dietary habits. If your body is not meeting its daily requirements through diet alone, your doctor may prescribe iron supplements. 

The most effective treatment for iron deficiency involves dietary changes combined with supplementation when necessary. A balanced diet rich in iron-rich foods such as lean meats, seafood, and dark green leafy vegetables should become a regular routine, as it is an important part of our diet. To ensure proper absorption, it is also recommended to take vitamin C along with any other supplement that contains iron. If symptoms persist despite these efforts, a deficiency may indicate that there is a deeper underlying cause that requires additional medical attention from a healthcare provider. From brittle nails to fatigue and difficulty concentrating, understanding the signs of iron deficiency early can protect your long-term health. 

How much iron does the human body need?

The human body needs iron to produce red blood cells. Without a sufficient amount of iron in the blood, serious health problems can arise. According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), the recommended intake is 0.8 – 1 mg (milligrams of iron) per day for adults and 2-3 mg per day for pregnant women. People with increased iron requirements should be instructed by their physician to take more than these amounts. It is best to meet one’s daily mineral needs through a balanced diet, by consuming iron-rich foods. There are many foods that contain iron, but some individuals may need oral or intravenous supplements to effectively address their conditions. Intravenous iron supplements, however, should only be given under a doctor’s supervision because they can have serious side effects. To avoid deficiencies in vitamin D and other essential nutrients, people should try to meet their daily needs with iron-rich foods – if necessary, given supplemental medical treatment. Therefore, everyone should have regular check-ups and start therapies if necessary to provide the body with all the resources it needs. 

Causes of iron deficiency

The most common causes of iron deficiency are inadequate dietary intake of iron, increased need for iron, increased excretion of iron in the urine, and impaired absorption of iron in the intestines. 

Iron deficiency is a major problem and affects many people. The human body needs iron as an important component to stay healthy. There are different types of iron deficiency: 

  1. Absolute iron deficiency 
  1. Functional iron deficiency 
  1. Pronounced iron deficiency 

Absolute iron deficiency results from a lack of absorption or processing of iron in the body. It occurs most often in children who do not receive enough nutrition, but it can also occur in the elderly, usually due to an unbalanced diet or chronic illness. 

Functional iron deficiency results from the body’s inability to meet the raw material requirements for blood breakdown, which is usually associated with anemia. In the elderly, this type of deficiency can have serious consequences and can continue into old age. 

Marked iron deficiency develops slowly and is a continuing danger for children; it is often the result of a long-term insufficient supply of metal ions in the case of vitamin B12 deficiency or other conditions such as liver disease or chronic intestinal disease. 

Lastly, brittle nails can occur due to disturbances in the absorption of iron, as this mineral is necessary for your nails to remain strong. We are now talking about symptoms of anemia – whether absolute or functional iron deficiency – which can often cause fatigue, shortness of breath, and sweating episodes.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing and treating iron deficiency can be challenging. Early detection and proper treatment are therefore critical to avoid complications. The following table lists the various options for treating iron deficiency: 

Bivalent ironIron preparations contain only the element iron, without other vitamins or minerals. These preparations can be purchased in the form of intravenous preparations or oral tablets.
Hypophosphatemia-associated intravenous iron therapy for anemia.Intravenous iron administration with additives to avoid hypophosphatemia, which can occur as a side effect.
Dietary adaptation with iron-rich foodsChange your diet to eat more animal and plant products that are rich in iron.

These presented options provide different ways for patients to treat their functional iron deficiency – but each method has advantages and disadvantages in terms of efficacy and absorption of iron. Therefore, it is important to work with your doctor to develop a plan that is best suited to your individual needs. In this way, possible risks of iron therapy can be minimized.

Risks of iron therapy

The risks of iron therapy include an increased risk of gastrointestinal problems, an increased chance of allergic reactions, an increased chance of nausea and vomiting, an increased chance of bleeding, and an increased chance of a decrease in normal blood clotting. If you are receiving iron therapy, you should inform your doctor of all possible risks associated with the treatment. 

Iron deficiency is a serious condition that should not be underestimated. Before starting iron therapy, you need to be aware of the risk and be prepared for any side effects. There are some risks that need to be considered when administering iron in the body: Loss of iron, chronic diseases, and the last time iron was taken. To better understand these risks and find a suitable therapy, you can consult specialists who are knowledgeable in this field.

Specialists on the subject of iron deficiency

When iron deficiency is diagnosed, it is advisable to consult specialists. A doctor or nutritionist can prescribe and monitor the proper treatment of the deficiency. It is known that men need about 8 milligrams of iron per day, while women of childbearing age need 18 milligrams per day. A varied diet with foods rich in iron-containing components is the best way to meet the daily requirement of iron. The German Nutrition Society additionally recommends taking dietary supplements. If this is not sufficient, intravenous iron supplementation may be used in the most severe cases, although it is important to note that iron supplementation alone may not be sufficient therapy. 

It is therefore advisable for specialists to exchange ideas about the treatment of iron deficiency. This exchange will provide information and clarity on how to access sufficient iron in the body, as well as the potential risks of substitution, taking into account individual differences in each person. This will help to better manage symptoms and diagnoses around iron deficiency. Such measures can prevent worse outcomes and reduce the likelihood of infectious diseases. Specific tests can be used to detect and treat signs of iron deficiency at an early stage – which is particularly beneficial for people at existing risk. It is therefore important to consult experts on the subject: Only in this way can all aspects of treatment be taken into account.

Can a vegetarian or vegan diet be a trigger for iron deficiency?

Vegetarian and vegan diets can lead to iron deficiency. The body needs iron supplementation when it is not adequately supplied with this nutrient. However, there are some risks to taking iron supplements alone. For example, anaphylactic reactions or atopic diseases are possible, especially in infants. In addition, it can have serious side effects, such as Acute reaction to the red blood pigment (hemoglobin). For this reason, you should be cautious if you are vegetarian or vegan and want to have your iron levels checked. Most people recognize symptoms of iron deficiency in time – fatigue, insomnia, and loss of appetite are typical signs. If you suspect you are deficient, be sure to see a doctor and have all the necessary tests done to determine if you are iron deficient. Only a proper diagnosis will allow you to find the best treatment method and avoid secondary diseases. 


Iron deficiency can manifest itself through various symptoms. These include fatigue, loss of appetite, and general weakness. Some people also suffer from shortness of breath or sleep disturbances. Furthermore, there may be a slowing of bodily functions such as pulse or blood pressure. Permanent hair loss and dry skin are also signs of iron deficiency. In some patients, anemia hypochromia, or iron-deficient anemia, is detectable at an early stage. However, a specialized diagnosis is necessary to determine the degree of iron deficiency and to treat it appropriately. To make this diagnosis, sufferers should have certain tests done – a blood test, for example – to find out whether they are suffering from functional iron deficiency and what intake of iron is needed to compensate for the deficiency. With proper treatment using the recommended dietary changes or supplementation of iron, you can improve your health and help your body stay healthy and vital. Therefore, it is important to do something in time against possibly existing iron deficiency symptoms and to tackle appropriate measures after professional consultation. 

To understand the seriousness of the situation, it is worth looking at the symptoms and sequelae of iron deficiency: 

  • Decreased energy levels 
  • Irritability and difficulty concentrating 
  • Hair loss 
  • Anemia (anemia of the blood) 

It is up to us as medical professionals to recognize these symptoms in our patients in time and treat them properly. We have the potential to help people make healthy choices about dietary changes as therapy. This can improve their health and reduce general discomfort. There is thus the possibility of restoring a person’s well-being – which is ultimately our goal after all. Next, we will look at dietary change as a therapy.

Promoters and inhibitors of the absorption of iron

Promoters and inhibitors of iron absorption are substances that affect the absorption of iron in the body. Promoters increase the absorption of iron, while inhibitors decrease absorption. Promoters include vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, zinc, copper, and amino acids. Inhibitors include phytic acid, calcium, caffeine, and oxalic acid. 

One of the best-known promoters is vitamin C, as it facilitates the absorption of iron from the intestine. Other substances that act as promoters include meat products, legumes, and whole grains. In addition, certain enzymes aid in the absorption of iron in the digestive tract. 

Inhibitors can prevent or reduce the absorption of iron into the body. These substances include phytic acid, phosphates, and oxalates, as well as various types of polyphenols and tannins. In some cases, even calcium can inhibit the absorption of iron; therefore, people with low iron levels should not drink dairy products to avoid lowering it even further. Regular blood tests can help to detect unfavorable compounds such as those described above in time and to treat them properly. Therefore, it is often worthwhile to consult a nutrition expert in order to set up an individualized diet plan and thus keep the iron level in the blood optimal. With such support, one can stay healthy and prevent disease. Drug therapies now offer another option for treating iron deficiency.

Drug therapy for iron deficiency

Drug therapy for iron deficiency consists of taking iron preparations enriched with vitamins and minerals. These preparations can be administered orally in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups and solutions or intravenously as infusions. The dosage and length of the treatment cycle are determined individually by the physician. In addition, dietary measures, such as the consumption of foods rich in iron and adequate fluid intake, can also compensate for iron deficiency.

What are the consequences of iron deficiency? 

Iron deficiency can have serious consequences that become apparent in various bodily functions. These range from fatigue and loss of performance to serious illness. One of these is anemia, an anemia associated with iron deficiency, often referred to as “The Key to Health.” The following table shows some possible symptoms and their effects:

FatigueDifficulty concentrating
ExhaustionMemory problems
Hair LossLoss of libido
Complaints of the Gastrointestinal TractDepression

If left untreated, iron deficiency can further reduce folic acid reserves, causing the body to lack vitamin B12. This creates an increased risk for infections, heart disease and neurological problems. Therefore, it is especially important to have iron status checked regularly and to agree to treatment as soon as it is needed. Knowledge of preventive dietary changes can help maintain healthy iron levels to minimize the risk of deficiency symptoms occurring. 

Prevention through dietary change means changing one’s eating habits to prevent certain diseases or conditions. This can be achieved by eating a healthy and balanced diet that contains high-quality carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein. These dietary changes can also help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. Some examples of dietary changes include increasing the consumption of vegetables, reducing fat and sugar, or increasing the consumption of fiber. It is important to follow the recommended dietary guidelines to achieve the best results.


Iron deficiency is a common condition that affects many people. It can have serious consequences if not detected in time and treated properly. Making healthy dietary changes and adding iron absorption promoters to your diet can help reduce deficiencies of this important mineral. It has been shown that about 25% of the world’s population is iron deficient, which highlights the impact it has on our health. There are also other ways to combat an iron deficiency, including medications and physical therapy. Oxygen therapy or lung volume reduction training may also be part of the treatment. However, each case is individual and should therefore be discussed with the physician. Therefore, I would strongly recommend all patients to see their primary care physician if symptoms suggestive of iron deficiency syndrome occur! 

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Frequently asked questions 

How can iron deficiency be diagnosed in patients with chronic inflammation? 

Diagnosing iron deficiency in patients with chronic inflammation can be difficult because elevated levels of inflammation in the blood can affect ferritin levels. Other tests such as blood iron binding capacity may be required. 

How can vegetarian and vegan diets affect iron deficiency? 

Vegetarian and vegan diets can lead to an increased risk of iron deficiency by avoiding iron-rich foods such as meat and fish. A balanced plant-based diet with iron-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, legumes, and nuts can help prevent iron deficiency. 

How can iron deficiency be diagnosed in the elderly? 

Iron deficiency in the elderly can be more difficult to diagnose due to age-related changes in the body and other medical conditions. A comprehensive evaluation of symptoms and tests such as blood ferritin and iron binding capacity may be needed. 

How can iron infusions help treat iron deficiency? 

Iron infusions can be used in severe iron deficiency to quickly increase iron levels in the body. However, it is important that they are administered by an experienced doctor or health care professional, as serious complications can occur if they are not administered properly. 

How can iron deficiency in children be diagnosed and treated? 

Iron deficiency in children can be diagnosed by blood tests. Treatment may include dietary changes or administration of iron supplements. 

How can iron deficiency be diagnosed and treated in pregnant women? 

Iron deficiency is common in pregnant women. It can be diagnosed through blood tests and treated with a balanced diet and/or iron supplements. 

What are the effects of untreated iron deficiency? 

Untreated iron deficiency can lead to anemia, weakness, fatigue, increased susceptibility to infection and other health problems. 

How can genetic conditions like hemochromatosis affect iron levels in the body? 

Hemochromatosis is a hereditary condition that can lead to excessive iron accumulation in the body. It can lead to severe organ damage if not detected and treated. 

How can diseases of the gastrointestinal tract affect iron levels in the body? 

Gastrointestinal tract diseases such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease can affect the absorption of iron in the body and lead to iron deficiency. Appropriate treatment of the underlying condition can help correct iron deficiency. 

How can interactions between different medications affect iron levels in the body? 

Some medications can interfere with the body’s absorption of iron, while other medications can increase iron requirements. It is important for patients to discuss their medications with their doctor and consider possible drug interactions to avoid iron deficiency. 

What foods contain heme? 

Heme is an essential component of iron metabolism and blood formation. Therefore, it plays an important role in preventing iron deficiency. To replenish iron stores, it is important to eat foods high in heme. Here’s a list of the top foods that are high in heme: 

  • Ground beef
  • Lamb 
  • Poultry (especially offal) 
  • Shellfish (e.g., mussels and shrimp) 
  • Oysters 

These foods are rich in protein and vitamin B12 and can help prevent anemia or other health problems. They are extremely nutrient dense and serve several functions at once – especially when eaten in moderation and as part of a varied diet. Plus, they taste and feel different, which is another reason to give them a try! 

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